Saturday, June 8 2024
High Tech Discovery Route
10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Different locations
Free entrance
Check out our locations
Take a look in the high-tech kitchen of the Brainport region
On June 8 2024, the High Tech Discovery Route will take place in the Brainport region. Brainport Industries Campus, Stichting Hightech Helmond – de Peel, High Tech Campus, GEA, Fontys & TU/E and other tech companies & locations are open for visitors to take a look into the high-tech kitchen of the Brainport region. All ages will see, experience and witness how technology contributes to our daily lives.
All are welcome: from children, teens and their parents or grandparents to local residents, professionals and students. There is much to experience and do. How about playing soccer with robots, soldering or a drone challenge? Sniff around at well-known tech companies in the region and find out if engineering is right up your alley!
Meet hot spots of 2024:
DAF Experience
You are welcome to register at this location on June 8.
Brainport Industries Campus
Brainport Industries Campus residents and other companies from the region are happy to welcome you and offer all kinds of fun and educational activities for young and old.
High Tech Campus
High Tech Campus Eindhoven is Europe’s smartest square kilometer, where 12,500 people work on the latest innovations in 300 high-tech companies.
TU/E, Fontys & Summa (locatie TU/E campus)
Eindhoven University of Technology – Fontys University of Applied Sciences – Summa College
It has become clear to us that, more than ever, we’re facing enormous challenges. Whether it’s climate, sustainability, efficiency, food, healthcare, energy, housing, mobility… there’s a lot of work to be done. Change is the only constant; however, this change is vital – remaining where we are now has long since ceased to be an option. TU/e campus is home to change agents and innovators. It’s where brilliant minds, enthusiasts, passionate researchers and designers of TU/e Fontys and Summa work on solutions for tomorrow. Be amazed by the HighTech Ontdekkingsroute at the TU/e campus
Stichting Hightech Helmond - de Peel | GEA (Bakel)
Technology is all about experience. That is why every year more than 50 technology companies, educational institutions and student teams join forces during Hotspot Hightech – Helmond de Peel. The Hotspot is all about discovering and experiencing technology for young and old.
You are welcome to register at this location on Saturday, June 8.
VDL ETG & Thermo Fisher Scientific
On Saturday, June 8, VDL ETG and Thermo Fisher Scientific will open their doors at the business park Acht to introduce technology to the whole family, students and other interested people. Discover what happens within our companies, from design to production, from assembly to final qualification. And learn about future developments, and how this affects our daily lives. Did you know that VDL ETG produces critical column parts for the most advanced microscopes of Thermo Fisher Scientific?
And you can experience technology yourself with fun activities. And with a road train you can easily visit both of us!
Philips Museum
Experience AI at the Philips Museum
There is a lot of blogging, talking, and fantasizing about Artificial Intelligence (AI). But what exactly is it? And what can it do for us? What has been Philips’ contribution to its genesis? During the High Tech Discovery Route 2024, the Philips Museum opens its doors to visitors free of charge. Come along and be immersed in the world of AI.