saturday June 14, 2025 #HTOR
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High Tech Helmond-de Peel

Manufacturing companies from all over the ‘Peel’ region collaborate to form the ‘Hightech Helmond-de Peel Foundation’. More than 50 companies and educational institutions are united in this foundation, with the common goal of getting different target groups interested in technology. The focus here is, in particular, on children and youth, availability to generate sufficient new growth for the high-tech sector in the Peel region.

It is impressive what is made in the Helmond – de Peel region. Where the factory doors usually remain closed, the companies of the Hightech Helmond-de Peel Foundation open them to introduce the general public to their technology. In this way we show how incredibly versatile and surprising the world of technology actually is. How do we do this? First of all, it is up to the manufacturing companies from the Peel region themselves. In addition, the strength lies in mutual cooperation and connection within the Brainport Region.

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